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  8. »Which Melon is Ripe?

Butler County

Which Melon is Ripe?

        Melons are many people’s favorite plant to grow in the garden. While growing them might not be hard, figuring out when they are ripe can be. There is nothing more disappointing than picking a watermelon only to find it is either too ripe or not ripe at all. Muskmelons (including cantaloupe) are the easiest melon to figure out if they are ripe and ready to pick as a layer of cells around the stem soften so the melon detaches easily from the vine. If your muskmelon doesn’t fall off the vine, it’s not ripe yet. The ripe melons also have a pleasant musky aroma at room temperature.

brown tendril on watermelon

      Watermelons can be a bit trickier. Growing up we always used the “thump test” to find a ripe melon but that isn’t always accurate and depends on your definition of a hollow sound. If you are picking the watermelons from your patch you should actually look for the tendril that attaches to the stem at the same point as the melon. If the tendril is brown the melon is ripe but if it’s green the melon needs to ripen some more. Ripe watermelons will also develop a yellow color on the ground spot or where the melon contacts the ground which is useful for picking melons from the store.

      Honeydew melons are one of the most difficult to tell if they are ripe. They don’t “slip” like muskmelons nor do they have the tendril like watermelon. Instead check the flower end of the fruit (opposite the stem) and see if that area is getting soft. Honeydew may also change color depending on the variety.

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Have questions? Contact our office where our Horticulture Extension Agent will assist you with questions.

Phone: (316) 321-9660

Email: callae@ksu.edu