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Butler County

Succulent Ornaments

Living Christmas Ornament


  • Succulent cuttings (sturdy, short cuttings are best)
  • Clear plastic open-fronted ornaments
  • Small decorations (berries, pine cones, etc)
  • Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Moss
  • Evergreen pieces (optional)


  1. Prepare your ornament by cutting small pieces of moss and placing in the back and bottom of the bulb. This will serve as your base to support the cuttings and decorations.
  2. Pick your succulent cuttings. Small cuttings work best, especially in smaller ornaments. Large ornaments can have several cuttings, smaller ornaments may only have room for one or two.
  3. Here is where you can have fun. Arrange the succulents and decorations till the ornament looks how you want it to. Try to keep the cuttings from being squished on the sides of the ornament.
  4. Use the hot glue to secure the succulents and decorations to the moss in the ornament. This step is optional if you feel the ornament may get jostled around or you are mailing it to someone.
  5. Display your ornament on your Christmas tree or as a decoration around the house. Try to place the ornaments in a location that gets some sunlight during the day or under artificial light.
  6. After the holidays you can plant the cuttings in soil and keep them as houseplants.

These ornaments can easily be made for many holidays by using differentornament with succulents types of decorations around the succulents. There are many ways you can make these ornaments. Some instructions recommend using potting soil instead of moss which works, just be aware the potting soil will make the ornament heavier so use a sturdy branch when hanging those ornaments. Watering the ornaments usually is not needed since the plants have enough water in their leaves. You can also make these ornaments using grapevine ornaments, just glue the succulents and decorations to the outside of the ornament rather than inside.

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Have questions? Contact our office where our Horticulture Extension Agent will assist you with questions.

Phone: (316) 321-9660

Email: callae@ksu.edu