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  7. »Fall Needle Drop of Evergreens

Butler County

Fall Needle Drop of Evergreens

browning needles on pine tree

       Every fall pine trees, arborvitae and spruce trees shed their inner needles in a process called "Needle Drop". While to many seeing the 2-4 year old needles turn brown and then drop off of their evergreen trees might be concerning, this is a natural normal occurance.. Every year we receive calls from concerned homeowners about the dying needles on the inner portion of their pines, spruce and arborvitae. Those needles aren’t productive anymore and the tree sheds them because of this. The inner needles will start to turn yellow to brown and then slowly fall off throughout the fall and into winter. As long as the inner needles are the only one that are turning colors your tree most likely is fine if there is no banding noted on the needles, if the outer needles are starting to turn colors there could be a disease or other issue going on. On years when the tree has been under stress, such as hot and dry years or even years where it has been abnormally wet, this process can be more noticable and cause more concern.

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Have questions? Contact our office where our Horticulture Extension Agent will assist you with questions.

Phone: (316) 321-9660

Email: callae@ksu.edu