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Butler County


Purple aster bloom with honeybee

This fall beauty is a favorite of all types of insects and serves an important role in providing a food source for native pollinators until the first hard freeze of the season. There are several different types of asters that can be found in Kansas including the New England Aster, Aromatic aster, Heath aster and my favorite the silky aster.

The New England aster is probably the most common species sold in the nursery trade that is a Kansas native and can commonly be found growing in prairies, meadows, along stream banks and in low valleys across the state. Asters range in height from 6” to 6’ tall depending on the species and flower colors range from purple to pink to white and even yellow.

Asters typically prefer full sun however there are several native species that will tolerate part shade. Most species prefer well drained soils however there are several that will tolerate damp soil conditions such as those that traditionally grow along stream banks or low meadows. These striking plants can be used in pollinator gardens, rock gardens, as tall border plants or even just as a specimen plant in the case of the New England aster.

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Have questions? Contact our office where our Horticulture Extension Agent will assist you with questions.

Phone: (316) 321-9660

Email: callae@ksu.edu